Music and Language Related Skills
- Musicians frequently demonstrate higher vocabulary and verbal sequencing than nonmusicians.1
- Adults who are exposed to music before age twelve exhibit better verbal recollection skills than adults with no musical experience.2Â
- A study of thirty-two eight year old nonmusicians found that music education improved articulation and speech discrimination skills among students exposed to it.3
- Music education can facilitate foreign language learning.4

Music and Executive Function and decision making
- Music students are more likely to choose long-term over short-term rewards and demonstrate an increased ability to plan for the future.5
- Music education promotes concentration and increased attention spans.6Â
- Musicians exhibit increased inhibitory control compared to nonmusicians.7
- Exposure to music increases cognitive flexibility and improves students’ abilities to multitask. 8Â
- Musicians have greater working, auditory, and verbal memory capacities than nonmusicians, allowing them to more easily remember and recall information.9
Music’s impact on Standardized Test scores, GPA and IQ
- Music lessons have a positive correlation with improvements in IQ.10Â
- There is a direct correlation between higher scores in math, science, and history classes and high school music participation.11
- Students who are exposed to music in high school score 100 points higher on the SAT than nonmusicians.12
- A study of 13,000 high school sophomores found that music students had better grades in English than nonmusicians.13

Music’s Impact on self confidence, perseverance and empathy
- A three year longitudinal study of sixty-three students who took piano lessons demonstrated that the music students demonstrated higher levels of self-esteem compared to the control group.14
- A study of twenty-five young violinists and pianists found that musicians were more empathetic than their nonmusical peers.15
- Music education encourages perseverance by demonstrating the rewards of hard work and focus. 16Â
- Music promotes Growth Mindsets and self confidence within students. 17
Music’s Impact on Emotional regulation and Stress
- Music education reduces aggressive and violent behavior by providing a positive emotional outlet for students.18
- Music education facilitates anxiety management by helping students regulate their emotions and impulses.19Â
- Playing and listening to music is directly correlated with feelings of happiness.20Â
- Playing wind instruments involves deep breathing and relaxation, ultimately improving students’ mood and mental health.21Â
- Music encourages students to be open and honest about their emotions, allowing them to externalize their emotions and express themselves freely.22
- Exposure to music decreases students’ stress levels.23

Music’s impact on spatial skills, creativity and memory in old age.
- Children who are exposed to music demonstrate greater spatial-temporal reasoning than nonmusicians. 24
- Playing music at an early age lowers the risk of dementia in old age. 25
- Music education refines perceptual motor skills, enhancing coordination and sensory integration. 26
- Music education fosters creativity and innovation among students. 27
Music and Cultural Understanding

Music’s Impact on the School Community
- Schools that have music programs have a 93.9% attendance rate compared to an 84.9% attendance rate for schools without. 30
- Schools with music programs have a 90.2% graduation rate compared to a 72.9% graduation rate in schools without. 31
- Music programs increase students’ general satisfaction with the school and increase school pride and spirit. 32
Other Important Statistics
- Individuals who participate in band or orchestra report the lowest levels of current and lifelong use of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs. 33
- Music majors are the most likely group of college grads to be admitted to medical school. 66% of music majors who applied to med school got in while, 44% percent of biochemistry majors were accepted to med school.34
- Researchers found that musical training helps academic under-achievers. When exposed to music instruction, lower performing students caught up to other students in reading and surpassed their classmates in math by 22% when given music instruction over seven months. 35
- 94% of Americans in a 2009 Gallup Poll believe that music is a key component in a child’s well rounded education; three quarters of those surveyed feel that schools should mandate music education. 36
- Schools that produced the highest academic achievement in the United States today are spending 20% to 30% of the day on the arts, with special emphasis on music. 37