Educate. Empower. Advocate.

Empowering students to advocate music education

About Us

Music Education Matters is an international 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that encourages musicians of all ages to advocate for music educa­tion in their communities. Through our online platform, which includes books, articles, and other research materials, we provide musicians with the resources needed to effectively engage with their commu­nities and be a voice for the continued inclusion of music in schools.

By educating the public on the benefits of music education we can spark positive change that improves the state of music in schools.

By empowering students to advocate for music education, we can improve the public perception of its importance.

By uniting in advocacy our members can effectively champion music education in our communities.

By educating the public on the benefits of music education we can spark positive change that improves the state of music in schools.

By empowering students to advocate for music education, we can improve the public perception of its importance.

By uniting in advocacy our members can effectively champion music education in our communities.

Discover Music’s Importance

Music education is a powerful tool that transforms the lives of millions of children worldwide. It has the ability to shape our minds and promote a range of skills and qualities that profoundly impact our overall maturation.

Our Mission

Ensuring every child has access to quality music education.

Our Blog

The Magical Benefits of…

Why We All Need a Little Melody in Our Lives…

How Competition Ruins Music

How Competition Ruins Music

“Start ’em young,” they say. It’s as if the world…

See what you can do for music education

It is imperative that we use our voices to advocate music education. Be the voice for change your community needs and become an advocate today!

MusicEdMatters is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donate today!

MusicEdMatters 2024. All Rights Reserved.